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"Feedly, I love you"

Do you lack time? Do you want to be informed about latest news that you are really interested in? In real time? Then I can recommend Feedly.

With Feedly, you are the editor-in-chief and can manually pick topics that you really want to read - all in one place.

You basically subscribe to your desired topics and media/publishers and get the latest articles delivered right into your feed in real time. You can determine the look of your feed yourself (more or less compact, text-only mode, magazine style or card design).

Interesting: You see when articles were published - i.e. 1 day ago (1d), 4 hours ago (4h) or 2 hours ago (2h). You can read the article/s you want to read - some articles are shorter, some longer.

By tapping the check mark you can mark articles in your feed as read which removes them from your feed. The screen gets fed with new material.

What I also like a lot is a message like "that’s it for today", as soon as you’ve marked all latest articles in your feed as read. This gives me a good feeling - what a lovely user experience!

I’m happy with the free version as it has a lot to offer already. Wherever I am, on the crosstrainer in the gym, waiting in an airport hall, my iPad with Feedly is my loyal companion. "Feedly, I love you!"

PS: Thanks to Oliver Feldkircher from digiPULS who introduced me to Feedly!

PPS: This is no paid advertisement. I don’t get paid for this blog article. I purely wrote this article because I find Feedly simply fantastic. 0% advertisement, but 100% enthusiasm.





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