Companies spend thousands of Euros for print advertisements - some magazines even charge six-figure sums and maybe even more. Considering this, it is sad to see expensive advertisements placed wrong.

The Indian Holi festival, infamous for its colourfulness, might have been the inspiration for the advert above. The viewer’s awareness is smartly brought directly onto the product (a car in this case) by using a frame. But: The whole frame should definitely be on the page and not bled-off. The focus on the product decreases. I cannot imagine that this was planned by the brand.

The Tyrolean tourism region Hochgurgl booked a double-page advertisement in more or less the middle of a magazine. The claim was "Der Höhepunkt Tirols" ("The highlight of Tyrol" or "The peak of Tyrol" as the German word "Höhepunkt" can mean both). However, this claim was placed in the centre of the advert and, consequently, the claim "Der Höhepunkt Tirols" turned into "Der Höhept Tirols" which doesn’t make sense.
It is not understandable why some companies hire professional photographers and pay for high-class advertisements, when they don’t hire a professional graphic designer in the end. It’s sad how money gets wasted!