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The company logo design is the heart of a corporate identity design. But is a company logo design alone sufficient too?




For this article, I picked the example of "June Randall dressmaker", a client from England. She has a small but very mighty sewing business. Here you can see the company logo design that I created for her:

june randall dressmaker corporate design logo

But somehow June has to communicate with the outer world. This is why she needs at least a website and a business card, as some sort of minimal basis equipment to get going. So there is a company logo design. But no other design elements like fonts, colours etc. are set. The business card could look somehow like this:

june randall dressmaker corporate design business card

The website could maybe look like this:

corporate design logo bad website
corporate design logo bad website



Now you see "June Randall dressmaker" again, but this time with a holistic corporate identity design. A feeling for top quality, handiwork, "the good old days", elegance and individual products that you cannot buy off the peg shall be transported.


The concept defines colours, fonts, secondary style elements and a principle of order. All that is summed up in a manual.

corporate design colours
corporate design typography

Here you see the business card. To create a feeling for quality and handiwork even more, the business card was printed on a 250 g handmade paper.

june randall dressmaker corporate design visitenkarte natural paper

And here you see the website:

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It’s a one-pager to keep the navigation intuitive and simple so the website doesn’t look overloaded.




Which of these dressmakers would you trust more to make your clothes?

june randall dressmaker corporate design bad business card design
june randall dressmaker corporate design great business card design

As you can see, everything looks seamless and fits perfectly together. The holistic corporate identity design lifts June Randall dressmaker up to a new professional level, generates trust among existing and new clients and transports a consistent message.



A logo is a symbol.


A Corporate Design creates a feeling.


It‘s feelings that turn people into customers.

You can also download this topic as a free whitepaper.

A handy audio version of this topic can be found in this podcast:

By the way, here you find out what 8 things make a good company logo design.

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