The 4 star group A CASA rents out first-class holiday apartments in Tyrol. The constantly rising quality of the flats in recent years has made A CASA arrive in the hiqh-quality premium segment and resulted in solid growth of the business. Guests appreciate the privacy, exclusive spa areas as well as the first-class comfort that these luxurious holiday apartments offer.
I was hired to create a new creative logo design for every apartment house and an accompanying brand design concept in order to communicate the arrival in the high-quality premium segment. In addition to that, I was responsible for fine-tuning the copy used in the offer and reservation communication. The new brand design will be implemented step by step across all communication channels from May 2019 onwards.

The logos look clear, solid and elegant and transport a feeling of exclusivity and luxury. The flexible usage of harmonising colours and distinctive (gem) icon designs contribute to the overall look and feel of the brand design.
A palette of matt, calm and subtle colours supports the elegance of the A CASA brand design. In order to make all colours look correct in every touchpoint with the clients (may it be in a printed or digital format), I defined the exact Pantone, CMYK, RGB and HEX colour codes using Pantone Bridge Colour fans.
Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.
Cormorant SC
Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.
Cormorant Upright
Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.
Cormorant Infant
Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.
Open Sans Condensed Light
This font is used for legal copy like terms and conditions and the cancellation policy.
The serif font Cormorant supports all necessary languages (German, English, Italian, Czech, Polish and Russian) and serves as the main font. The huge bandwidth of styles allows for a flexible usage for different purposes. The outstanding combination of high midlines and small counters gives the font a very strong character. Medieval numerals allow for a nice reading flow on top. These microtypographic details support the overall look and feel of the A CASA brand design.
this is a beautiful header
This is a beautiful sub-header.
It's nice to read and looks fantastic.
Aepelic ipicitio moluptatium aut dolorrovit, occum inctationes dolectium non plicipitam, cus maiorrovit ulpa doluptisitem reptur aut ent escipid mod et rat ratur suntur ma cumendam faccum est re rendit a a veligent, sed que dolores et, officie nditiis rendic te dolorporum fugia sunt ut aut qui tem fiugitem ea esed qui doluptata voloriae dolore litam, que volupis nonseque nullabo reculparum facesed maximus, illorem. Volores voluptur? Aximin con core plis re, quuntis ra voluptia dis adic tem vellandit is doluptiam lam quibus eum exerspe rferibus idit voluptium endus vitat. Eraesciiscia autas aut officip sumquia cust volorum nam et volum quia de volor auditas dolectem quodia nus venihit atatiis delent ex everfer itiaestium amuscip ictibus, ius et harum idelenis vendiscilit, sam volo dolo tecae I'm a piece of text that wants to really stand out archici aepelic ipicitio moluptatium aut dolorrovit, occum inctationes dolectium non plicipitam, cus maiorrovit ulpa doluptisitem reptur aut ent escipid mod et rat ratur suntur ma cumendam faccum est re rendit a a veligent, sed que dolores et, officie nditiis rendic te dolorporum fugia sunt ut aut qui tem fiugitem ea esed qui doluptata voloriae dolore litam, que volupis nonseque nullabo reculparum facesed maximus, illorem. Volores voluptur?
this is a second beautiful header
Od et idunte velestibus. Ape veles ipsaectis derument. Unditatus auda si vent volupiet aribus. Ces et mod quo qui voluptatur? Us num que alibuscim re niminci umquist, vendit voluptam volecto remporrum quatibus dero blam faccuptat eaturib usciur as eum unt aut offic tetum eum, consequas eturibus ilit, nis ditatem et omnis atur atem. Nequid moleseq uibusdam quid eum nonempo ssectio. Et eveni aut veleni dit odit offic te ni apid mo te veliquo ipsunti idic tecae perovid iscilli genderc hiciis excernam fuga. Nam I'm a piece of text that shall not stand out too much but still look different within the main copy rerum fugia delesed eost, sequodionse nus eos et vellore ressum etur, illessi velecature nimporenimil illupta essimaxim ipicias doluptae est incit volecus eost odipsae iundis consercimus minum untur audi cus cone exces moluptur sitiis dignis aute sa comnimus, evenectur si consequoditi volor sequodi quisiti berspic ilibusam nihil ipiet alique modicia doluptatum explis etur?
this is a small header within the main copy
Ucil idus eum vid molorera dolorehendel eos ventur? Quisqui atiusci tatenet am faccaborum. Nobit quae quae ni dolupta archici dolestotatem doloribus ea vero molupta simus derum acernat et maior as enia quam hitintur sediciamus consequam quat. Nobit quae quae ni dolupta archici dolestotatem doloribus ea vero molupta simus derum acernat et maior. Unditatus auda si vent volupiet aribus. Ces et mod quo qui voluptatur? Us num que alibuscim re niminci umquist, vendit voluptam volecto remporrum quatibus dero blam faccuptat eaturib usciur as eum unt aut offic tetum eum, consequas eturibus ilit, nis ditatem et omnis atur atem. Nequid moleseq uibusdam quid eum nonempo ssectio. Et eveni aut veleni dit odit offic te ni apid mo te veliquo ipsunti idic tecae perovid iscilli genderc hiciis excernam fuga.
„I'm a client feedback, a testimonial that looks just nice.
We stayed at the Rubin Studios and enjoyed the comfort,
the panoramic views and the slopes being just
around the corner. We will come again.“
Max Mustermann, Hamburg
Die gesamte Endreinigung kommt auf € 25 netto. Gesamtpreis ist somit € 1.350 inkl. Ortstaxe und MWSt. Nequid moleseq uibusdam quid eum nonempo ssectio. Et eveni aut veleni dit odit offic te ni apid mo te veliquo ipsunti idic tecae perovid iscilli genderc hiciis excernam fuga. Nam ich bin eine leise Auszeichnung rerum fugia delesed eost, sequodionse nus eos et vellore ressum etur, illessi velecature nimporenimil illupta essimaxim ipicias doluptae est incit volecus eost odipsae iundis consercimus. Nam ich bin eine leise Auszeichnung rerum fugia delesed eost, sequodionse nus eos et vellore ressum etur, illessi velecature nimporenimil illupta essimaxim ipicias doluptae est incit volecus eost odipsae iundis consercimus.
The icons as shown in the creative logo design of every apartment serve as secondary style elements and are a visual anchor above the main headlines. They also look great on square buttons in the apartments’ colours or transparent as a pattern design in order to connect with the creative logo design for a holistic design approach.

Colour buttons featuring the creative logo design icons subtly repeating, makes images on social media look great and also visually links to A CASA, as can be seen in this sample Instagram feed:

The icons of all apartments are shown on the letter as well as the email signature.

You can find more detailed information in the corporate design manual (styleguide).