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genitheim webdesign responsiv

For more than 20 years, the engineering office Genitheim (Innsbruck/Austria) has been specialising in machine construction, transport safety, dangerous goods and the analysis of traffic accidents (first and only SPURFIX authorised expert in Austria as per January 2019). Many renowned companies trust in the know-how of Thomas Genitheim and his team consisting of mechanical engineers and generally sworn and court-certified experts. I was hired to create the new website that should be administrated by the client themselves later on.

The company logo design as well as the corporate colour were given. The new website is fully responsive for various mobile devices (mobile website) and comes with a clean and neat structure so that the target group finds information quickly and with ease.

For my first web design draft, I worked with a yellow-green accent colour to bring more contrast into the entire layout. This accent colour also served as a visual hint for linked text, similar to a yellow highlighter on paper. This web design draft is based on a linear reading and scrolling experience, supported by vertical dotted lines. Pictures were prominently placed and "pinned" on the white background with three yellow-green dots – similar to a photo book.

However, it was important for the client to have an explicit order of copy and images, so that the new website would have a structure similar to the reports the engineering office Genitheim is generating on a regular basis. As a consequence, pictures should be smaller and work as a pop-up.



Die Schriftart Roboto unterstützt die kühle Sachlichkeit des Webdesigns in verschiedenen Schriftschnitten für Überschriften und Mengentext.

"Vor Kurzem wurde von HCG corporate designs ein Relaunch meiner Website durchgeführt. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Frau Helene Clara Gamper gestaltete sich äußerst angenehm und professionell. Sie konnte meine Vorstellungen nicht nur genau umsetzen, sondern optimierte diese mit viel hilfreichem Input."

Thomas Genitheim, Ingenieurbüro Genitheim

Innsbruck, Österreich

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